Web application version 5.4.3

Updates and improvements:
  • Illustration sizes were reduced to improve load times.
  • Filters are now saved in the URL of the page. This means that refreshing the page when using filters will retain the search results and filters. Previously filters were lost when a page was updated.
  • Document security was improved.
  • Last performed service was added in the asset list. This shows when the last service was performed on the asset. If the asset has never been service it will show as [never serviced]. This makes it much easier to find forgotten assets and do a proper inventory of assets that has not been service in a long while.
  • New asset filters has been added to make it easier to find specific asset or find assets that has not been serviced for a long time.
Bugs Resolved:
  • Problem with viewing and uploading documents on manufacture models.
  • Problem with filtering work order status in the ongoing tab.
  • Duplicate input fields for addresses in create work orders.