Web application version 5.5.0

New feature:

Now users can plan service and maintenance for their assets using the new ‘Service plan’ feature. This feature enables the users to create future service events for their assets. Enabling the system to keep track of the service agreed upon between your company and your customers.
Get started at: Main menu> Service plan> Scheduled service> “Add new”.

You can also create a recurring services for any asset under a set time period with a recurrence of your choosing.
To create a recurring service go to: Main menu> Service plan> Service plan > “Add new”.

Updates and improvements:
  • All Map views are updated to provide more accurate location/address information. Users can also filter data from all map views.
  • A new map view for the work orders is now available.
  • Tasks details can now be downloaded in pdf format.
  • Error – New field called ‘Reviewed by’ is added to Error reporting. Users can mention the employee who has reviewed certain errors.
  • UI has been updated for all details pages to show more meaningful info in a more relevant way.
Bugs Resolved:
  • Problem with date range while filtering Error, Service, Time log, etc.
  • Problems with deleting errors and teams.